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February 9, 2007

No News is Good News!

All is quite on the Metallica front. But no news is good news! The band is busy recording the new album and preparing for another “escape??” tour to Europe this summer.  Check out the blurb from the band to keep their restless fans in the loop:

“Greetings from not so sunny Northern California. We know that things have been pretty quiet here in web-land, so we thought we'd throw some shit your way... here goes... We are finishing up the last couple weeks of pre-production on the album and... really... seriously...(drumroll)... we're going to start recording on March 12th. We're pretty fuckin' psyched about it and pretty fuckin' psyched to be sharing this experience with Rick.
But wait... there's more. We kinda sorta figured that by the time June rolled around, we would be ready for a break from recording (escape??) and since we had so much fun in Europe last summer, we thought "why not go back for some more fun and games?" We're planning to share the summer love with our friends in some different countries we didn't get to last year.. okay, fuck it, maybe one or two repeats. We haven't quite worked out all the details yet, but we thought that for once we really would be the first site to break a piece of Metallica news.

So keep your eyes open for more details in the next few.. the plan right now is to head out in late June and hang out for a couple/three weeks. We might even do a certain festival that we've played 19 times in July that starts with a "W," maybe hit a certain band member's home turf... blah, blah, blah.

It's a start . . . . “

Source: Official Metallica Site | www.